Friday, June 5, 2009

Vintage Friday

I celebrated my birthday this week with a group of my best girlfriends. This vintage package was a gift from Jen. The other ladies kept looking at it and everyone was anxious to see what was in crate. It was filled with vintage treasures, tableclothes, hot pads, hankies, even fingerless gloves. ( I'll take more pictures as I go through everything again.) Those that know me best know I love gifts like this. I can't wait to look through the items and spend time thinking about the women who owned them before they came to my house. I love to think about the homemaker taking time to make these things to brighten up her home. I am grateful to each one of them for the joy they are giving to me by sharing their handmade things with me.

1 comment:

vtpuggirl said...

Happy be-lated birthday! Such a beautiful gift!