I visited several quilt stores with Betsy and Sandy today. It has been a long time since we've done that. The fabrics are wonderful, I could have bought tons. However, I am trying to stay focused on current projects, I have so many things to finish. The weather was great for shopping. We stopped and had lunch after two shops and went to a third afterwards. I am always inspired to go home and create after days like today. The problem is that I want to do so many things and there is never enough time. I don't know how many things I have going right now, I know it's a lot. I like to work on a few things at a time. It's not that I get bored, it's that I'm afraid I'll forget something. I did finish a piece of cross-stitch tonight and started a pair of pillow case. I seem to crave color these days. Bright and bold colors. The pillowcases are going to be red and yellow flowers with bright green leaves. I'll post pictures as soon as they are done.