Friday, January 1, 2010

New Friends

   I don't make New Year's resolutions simply because I know I cannot keep them. Instead I make New Year's goals. For many years one of my goals has been to make a new friend. Not a casual friendship but one that will last. In 2009, I was able to work on two new friendships. I have known both Dawn and Charlene for a while. Dawn and I went to grade school together and I met Charlene while I worked at a cross-stitch shop  Also, she is the mother of one of Bryce's friends from high school.
   Dawn and I go to the same church and we would say hi whenever our paths would cross but that's as far as it went. Then another lady in my Bible Study asked her to join and she started coming on Tuesdays. I had always liked her but I did not realize how much we had in common. We even met a few times along with Charlene to knit together. Again we discovered we had a lot of the same interests. A few months ago Dawn gave me a small gift in an envelope she made herself. Inside were two vintage hankies she found while thrifting. It was a perfect gift, she understood me! I felt like we had wasted so many years.
    I liked Charlene as soon as I met her. First, she was as obsessed with stitching as I was. And she is not a phony. She is who she is. She is smart, kind, caring and not prissy.   We have a lot of fun together and she gets my humor. She is a very good knitter and loves yarn even more than I do. We also have a lot in common and talk on the phone for hours even though she lives only a few miles away.
    I don't know who God will bring into my life this year but I am looking forward to making new friends. God has blessed me with wonderful friends all my life. Some are here for only a season and some will be my friend forever. I thank Him for all these women and the good times we have shared.

1 comment:

dawn said...

You are a blessing to me, and I consider you a dear friend.